Sedation Dentist Asheville

Breeze Through Your Next Dental Procedure

Woman in button up shirt sitting back and relaxing

Your comfort is important to us, and we want to ensure that your procedures go as smoothly as they possibly can. Sedation dentistry in Asheville can help patients feel more relaxed and at ease in several different circumstances, whether you suffer from dental anxiety, have a strong gag reflex, or have other indications for sedation. Dr. White is board-certified to administer parenteral sedation, so you can be confident that you are in good hands when you choose to receive care from our team.

Why Choose Dr. John White, DDS for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Dentist Board-Certified in Parenteral Sedation
  • Nitrous Oxide and IV Sedation Available
  • Relax Through Your Dental Procedures

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

POV shot of nasal mask being placed for dental sedation in Asheville

Do you usually hesitate to visit your dentist for necessary treatments? Do you think you need help to feel more comfortable during your appointment? If so, then nitrous oxide sedation may be the ideal solution for you. With this form of dentistry, you’ll simply have to breathe in a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide through a small mask placed over your nose. After a few minutes or sooner, patients will typically feel happier, warmer, and mildly numb. Not only will you feel more relaxed throughout your visit, but the effects of the sedative will quickly wear off once the mask is removed. Read on to learn more about nitrous oxide in Asheville.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Machine used for nitrous oxide sedation

Nitrous oxide sedation is ideal for people who need to return to work right away after their appointment or drive themselves home. It’s also the mildest and gentlest form of sedation therapy, providing an ideal choice for most patients. Adults, teens, and even children can make the most of the soothing effects of nitrous oxide. Here are several reasons you should consider this form of dentistry:

  • You need to undergo extensive dental treatment, such as root canal therapy
  • You’ll be completing multiple procedures in a single appointment
  • You’re feeling nervous about the dentist and require help staying relaxed
  • You’re very worried, scared, or anxious about your next dental procedure
  • You experience back, neck, or jaw pain when sitting in a chair for prolonged periods
  • You have difficulty sitting still
  • You have a powerful gag reflex or sensitive teeth

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Female patient with nasal mask for nitrous oxide sedation

Nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”) has been used for many decades to help patients relax. This unique, colorless, and almost odorless gas is administered through a nasal mask. We mix it with oxygen to ensure patient safety. You should experience feelings of contentment and calm once the effects begin. Some people also feel a little giddy.

You’ll be conscious throughout your treatment, that way you can respond to basic questions and instructions from your dentist when necessary. Your body may even have a suppressed ability to register discomfort, providing you with a more enjoyable dental experience. This sedative is mild, and you can expect to be fully back to normal in a matter of minutes once you are no longer exposed to it.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Woman with eyes closed resting head against hands

You should expect virtually no side effects after receiving nitrous oxide sedation. After Dr. White has completed your treatment, our dental team will remove your nasal mask. Within several minutes, you should begin to feel normal again with your typical level of alertness. The effects should wear off by the time you’re ready to leave our office and drive yourself home or continue with the rest of your day. Although some patients (mostly children) feel mildly nauseous after nitrous oxide sedation, this should typically be short-lived and easy to manage.

IV Sedation

IV drip used for IV sedation

IV sedation is often the best option for patients in need of a much stronger sedative effect throughout their dental treatment. This option is administered intravenously, and our team will closely monitor your vitals throughout the procedure to ensure that you are as safe and comfortable as possible. Patients will enter a very deep state of relaxation while under the effects — likely, you will not remember anything about the procedure once it is over, and some people even fall asleep. Patients undergoing IV sedation at our practice will need an escort to take them home following their procedure and keep an eye on them until the sedative fully wears off.

A note about Dr. White’s credentials: Dr. White has been practicing dentistry since 1998, and he is one of only a few dentists in Western North Carolina to be certified by the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners to provide parenteral (not administered in the digestive tract) sedation for dental procedures. With our team, you can rest assured knowing that your safety and comfort are our highest priorities at all times, and Dr. White has the skills and training needed to manage your sedation experience as smoothly as possible.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Woman in pink shirt sitting in dental chair and smiling

You may benefit from the care of a sedation dentist in Asheville if:

  • You experience strong feelings of fear and/or anxiety when faced with the prospect of undergoing dental procedures.
  • You have a strong gag reflex.
  • You have difficulty becoming numb with a local anesthetic.
  • A medical problem makes it difficult for you to sit still and/or hold your jaw open for extended periods of time.
  • You must undergo multiple dental procedures at once, or your treatment plan is somewhat complex.

Dr. White and our team will screen you to ensure that you do not have any contraindications for the types of sedation we offer.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

As a sedation dentist, Dr. White understands the hesitancy many patients experience when preparing to receive dental treatment of any kind as well as undergo any type of sedation. This is why he and our team want to offer as much information as possible to minimize fears and anxiety. Below, you will find a list of common questions asked by our patients. Combined with them are answers provided by Dr. White who is board-certified to not only administer these methods of sedation but ensure your safety and comfort as well. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, sedation dentistry is a safe option for most patients. While some should wait until a later time to undergo nitrous oxide or IV sedation (i.e., individuals who are pregnant), this will be discussed and determined during your initial consultation.

Dr. White will go over your candidacy after discussing your overall health history and any medications you are currently taking. To ensure that you do not have a negative reaction to the medicine administered, you will need to make sure he is aware of any conditions you might have as well as any prescribed or over-the-counter medicines you are taking.

Are there any side effects associated with sedation dentistry?

The answer to this question differs depending on the type of sedation you receive. With nitrous oxide, you will be unlikely to experience any side effects. The reason is that once the mask is removed and the gas is turned off, the effects dissipate quickly, allowing you to resume normal activity immediately after your appointment. With IV sedation, however, you will likely feel groggy and tired following your visit. You might even develop a headache or feel a bit nauseous afterward.

This is why you will need to have someone escort you home and monitor you for a short while to ensure that you remain comfortable, safe, and at ease.

Will I remember anything with dental sedation?

Many patients worry that they will either recall everything about their appointment or have no recollection whatsoever. The truth is that although you will remain awake throughout your visit, you will be unlikely to remember much of what happened. With IV sedation, you are more likely to forget your procedure as opposed to nitrous oxide, but the important thing to remember is that you will feel completely at ease throughout the process. Also, if you are concerned that this form of memory loss will be permanent, you need not worry about it affecting you further. Its temporary side effects allow you to experience a more enjoyable dental visit so that you do not feel anxious, scared, or worried.

Does dental insurance cover sedation dentistry?

It is unlikely that your dental insurance company will cover the cost of sedation dentistry; however, this is not always the case. While many still view it as a “luxury” treatment, others recognize its need among those who cannot seek regular oral healthcare without it.

If you have a disability or are preparing for multiple, complex procedures, your insurer will be more likely to make an exception. However, for more routine treatments, you will need to consider alternative payment options to avoid high out-of-pocket costs.